The Bhagavad Gita

  1. Describe ways in which you feel like Arjuna. When Arjuna got scared to go into battle I can relate to that a lot. I feel fear like Arjuna  a lot when I have to fight for my faith and my beliefs. I become scared an do not want to fight or argue in case I lose, but then I remember I have to. It is my duty.
  2. How could you specifically apply the message of theBhagavad Gita?  In everyday situations I can have a stubborn attitude towards things or obligations I have. I then have to remember that this is my duty and I must accomplish it. One example would be doing my schoolwork
  3. How would the ancient Indian perspective of the Bhagavad Gita be VERY different than the 21st Century American perspective of doing one’s duty? I think our definition on the term duties has changed. In their time period they though of their duties as serving and protecting their country, where as in our society our duties could be as little as doing chores
  4. Now, venture back to ancient India. Think of a way the Bhagavad Gita could be used as a tool of oppression? It is possible that not every individual could read or understand this text. Or that it was hard to get a hold of.




Feng Shui My Car

In my car I basically cleaned out the useless clutter in the back seat. That included my gym bag, random extra clothes, trash, etc. Because of this I have a lot more free and open space for Chi to flow through. One element in my car is metal. This represents the independence I have with having my own car. Metal also represents travel and helpful people in Bagua.

The Taoist Walk

  1. What was the most powerful sensation during the walk? The crisp and cool air.
  2. Had you ever been on this path behind the school? If so, did you experience it differently this time?  If not, what was your impression of the walk? I have never walked that path before but I loved it, it was very peaceful and I enjoy discovering new places of nature.
  3. What did you hear on the walk? The crunching of branches and leaves.
  4. What did you smell on the walk? The smell of fresh dirt and soil.
  5. What did you think on the walk? It was very peaceful and a good way to end my day.
  6. How did you feel on the walk? very calm and in the moment, instead of thinking ahead or worrying .
  7. How can this experience be compared to Taoism? This experience was very tranquil, there was no worry or stress I was just going with the flow.